Select a country or zone to read about our shipping options and approximate transit times. We also offer the option of shipping protection by ShipAid.
The price you see in your cart may change once you enter your shipping address.
This is because taxes like VAT and GST vary by location, and we can only calculate them accurately after you've provided your address.
We process payments in your local currency.
The exchange rate is alwasy fair, and if you notice a price difference at checkout, it is most likely due to the added taxes, and not an exchange rate discrepancy.

VAT is included in the price of all shipments to the EU. This follows EU regulations but is easily confused with being higher priced, or
Exchange Rates:
It's common for customers to mistake the inclusion of VAT in the final price for an unfavorable exchange rate. This isn't accurate. To verify the exchange rate, you need to deduct the VAT from the subtotal first.


UK < £ 135.-
Orders below £ 135.- will have UK VAT added directly to the product prices.
The order will ship directly to your door from the Netherlands without any additional duties, taxes or fees to be paid.
A line below the total will show how much of the order is VAT.

UK > £ 135.-
Orders with a total value above £ 135.- don't include VAT.
VAT, duties and postal fees will likely be due upon receipt. This is due to the UK de minimis threhold or £135.- being reached.
NOTE: If you don't see a line below the total stating how much tax is included, then no tax is being charged.
Subminimal is not responsible for paying duties, taxes and import fees upon receipt if duties and taxes were not charged at checkout.

GST is added to the order as a separate line item when a SG address is entered.
NOTE: Subminimal is GST Registered in Singapore.

State tax is added to the order as a separate line item since we ship from California for US orders

No tax is charged on orders shipping outside of California.

No Taxes are charged during checkout for orders shipping to all other countries, however, taxes, duties and fees may be due upon receipt, or import into your country.
COUNTRY DE MINIMIS: Each country has a different threshold for importing products without paying duties. Please check with your local regulations first.
NOTE: Subminimal is not responsible for covering any import duties, fees, or taxes for countries where taxes have not been included at checkout.